Diabetes Awareness

Diabetes Awareness


Diabetes is a serious lifelong health condition that occurs when the amount of glucose, or sugar, in the blood is too high. If left untreated, high blood glucose levels can cause serious health complications. This course is aimed at people working in the health and social care sector and will provide an overview of the condition, the common symptoms that might indicate someone has diabetes, methods of diagnosis, some possible treatments and common complications that can affect those with the condition.

Approved by CPD – Duration 45 mins* – €24.00


Course Module Number Module Name Pass % Required
Diabetes Awareness 1 Diabetes – What it is and its Prevalence 70
Diabetes Awareness 2 Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment 70
Diabetes Awareness 3 Complications 70

Additional Information

Diabetes is a health condition that affects over 4 million people in the UK alone and needs constant monitoring and management. While this can often be done by the individual, it is important that anybody around them knows what to do should the situation escalate.

This Diabetes Awareness Course teaches you about the different levels of diabetes, how complications can arise and how to manage the most common situations. This training will provide delegates with an in-depth knowledge of diabetes and the confidence to offer help if required.

Our Diabetes Awareness Course covers the basic principles of diabetic care, how complications can affect a diabetic and some of the latest treatments for diabetes. It also touches on glucose management, blood sugar monitoring and the difference between hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia.

If you require support to carry out a review of your organisation’s Diabetes Awareness requirements or would like further information on our Diabetes Awareness Course, please contact a member of our team at Phoenix STS Ltd

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