
Phoenix STS offers a suite of expertly crafted health and safety policies tailored for nursing homes, focusing on maintaining the highest safety and well-being for residents and staff. These policies address lone working, sharps management, resident behaviour challenges, and electrical appliance safety, each designed to mitigate risks and ensure compliance with current regulations.

We will collaborate with you on the effective operation of your safety management system in your nursing home, implement control measures to reduce risks, and conduct periodic reviews of hazards in your facility, providing advice on interventions to manage risks effectively.

Ensuring fire safety in businesses is paramount, with legal obligations outlined in the Fire Services Act 1981 (2003) and the Safety, Health, and Welfare at Work Act 2005 mandating regular Fire Risk Assessments for commercial properties. Phoenix STS offers comprehensive assessments that are compliant with PAS 79-2020 standards, considering factors like building occupancy and vulnerable occupants' needs.

With any business irrespective of size, operational costs are always an ongoing area where we try to maximise savings. Insurance costs are one of the areas where we can make significant savings by shopping around.

In the realm of nursing home care, crafting Safety Statements for Nursing Homes isn't merely about ticking compliance boxes; it's a profound commitment to safeguarding the health, safety, and overall well-being of the most vulnerable members of our society.